what is matter? what are the states of matter? class 9th ch 1 / extra questions

Class - 9th ch-1

All imporatant notes and definations

What is matter?
Everything in the universe is made up of material which scientist have names as "matter"

The air we breath , the food we eat, ston,cloud,stars,planet,animals,even small drop of water or a particle of  sand , everything is made up of matter

States of matter ?
We can say that matter around us exists in three different states which are

(i) . Solid- we can observe that all these have definite shape , distinct boundaries are fixed.

(ii) . Liquid -  we observe that liquid have a fixed volume , they take up the shape of the container in which they are kept. Liquids flow and change shape , so they are not rigid but can be called fluid

(iii). Gas - we obserb that gases are highly compressible as compared to solid and liquid . So a large volume of gad can be compressed into small cylinder and transported easily

Some defination
(i) evaporation - change of a liquid into vapours at any temperature below its boiling point is called evaporation

(ii) sublimation - A change of state directly from solid state is called sublimation into state..

(iii) deposition - the direct change of gas to solid without changing into liquid .

(iv)  melting points - the minimum temperature  at which a solid melt to become a liquid at atmospheric pressure of melting.

(v) kinetic energy - particles of matter are continuosly moving , that is , they possess what we call the kinetic energy. As the temperature rises particles move faster.so we can say that with increase in temprature the kinetic energy of the particles also increases